The Configure Media Jobs activity let's one specify which media jobs should be run and how they should be run. Media jobs are periodic jobs which are run by a Yioop installation.

The Mode toggle let's one choose if the media updater is only run on the name server or if it is also run on all of the machines associated with a name server (distributed mode). The former is easier to manage, the later can improve the performance of some of media updater jobs such as video conversion and news feed download. Even in distributed mode some jobs will still only run on the name server if they weren't programmed to take advantage of the distributed setting.

The Jobs List table contains a list of all jobs that either came with the Yioop software or were programmed by someone and added to the WORK_DIRECTORY/app/library/media_jobs folder (the folder does not exist unless created by that someone). Next to each job is an On/Off dropdown used to control if the job will be run when the MediaUpdater is running. Below is a brief description of the jobs that come with the Yioop software:
  • Analytics computes hourly, daily, monthly, etc statistics for search queries and group feed, tread, and page views. It also is used to compute statistics about the kinds of pages downloaded during a crawl.
  • BulkEmail is used to send email notifications from Yioop (registration, thread posts, etc.) when Send Mail From Media Updater is checked in the Server Settings activity.
  • FeedsUpdate is used to periodically down feed sources (rss, json, html, regex) to be included in the IndexDataFeed bundle used for news, sports, etc feeds. It also computes trending word statistics for these feeds.
  • Recommendation is used to compute group and thread suggestions for users.
  • TrendingHighlights is used to update trending value search sources (values on a web page that change frequently that a user wants to track) and to compute hourly, daily, monthly, etc statistics for them. It also computes the landing page highlights for trending term, and feed subsearches that are being used for highlights.
  • VideoConvert is used to convert videos that have been uploaded to wiki pages into mp4 videos that work in all browsers.
  • WikiMedia is used to download feed podcasts to group wiki pages.